2024 September Newsletter

Welcome Back to the New School Year!

C. Scott Miller [CA] & Emilly Osterling [NC]

Welcome back! As we embark on another exciting school year, we want to take a moment to express our gratitude for your continued support and commitment to our vibrant community. Your involvement in the caucus has been instrumental in advancing our shared goals of inclusivity, equality, and Empowerment.

Reflecting on Our Journey

This past year has been filled with remarkable achievements and unforgettable moments. From our successful advocacy efforts to our engaging events and initiatives, we’ve shown the strength and resilience of our community. As we reflect on these accomplishments, we’re reminded of the power of collective action and the importance of standing together.

Looking Ahead

As we step into this new school year, we’re thrilled to share that we have an exciting lineup of events, workshops, and initiatives planned. We kick off the year with our Rainbow Series dedicated to member engagement with the Out for Harris Campaign and NEA’s Center for Campaigns & Elections. This upcoming spring, we will host our 4th NEA LGBTQ+ Caucus Leadership & Social Justice Conference in Las Vegas. This conference will focus on celebrating our diversity, providing support, and creating spaces where all voices can be heard. As we head into the Portland RA, we’re committed to continuing our work in advocating for policies that protect and uplift the LGBTQ+ community while fostering a sense of belonging for everyone – students and members!

Get Involved

Whether you’re a longtime member or new to our caucus, there are numerous opportunities to get involved. Join us at our upcoming events, volunteer for one of our committees, or simply reach out to share your ideas and experiences. Your participation is what makes our community strong and Vibrant

Stay Connected

Be sure to stay connected with us through our newsletter, social media, and upcoming meetings. We value your input and look forward to hearing from you throughout the school year. Thank you for being a part of the LGBTQ+ Caucus. Together, let’s continue to build a more inclusive, supportive, and just community for all!

With Pride,
Scott & Emilly
Co-Chairs, NEA LGBTQ+ Caucus

From the Desk of the Treasurer


Your Support Drives Our Impact!

As we navigate through the vibrant tapestry of the NEA-LGBTQ+ Caucus, it's essential to recognize the cornerstone of our collective strength: you. With your unwavering support and active participation, we can continue our vital work advocating for LGBTQ+ rights within the National Education Association (NEA) and beyond.

First and foremost, let's dispel a common misconception: NEA funds our operations. False, In reality, it's your memberships and contributions that power our initiatives, events, and advocacy efforts. Without your support, we simply cannot sustain the impactful work we do.

We want to take a moment to emphasize the importance of renewing your membership with the NEA-LGBTQ+ Caucus. By renewing, you not only reaffirm your commitment to our cause but also ensure that we have the resources needed to advance LGBTQ+ rights in education and society.

As a reminder, the NEA-LGBTQ+ Caucus offers five different levels of membership to cater to diverse needs and circumstances:

Active: Available to NEA members, staff, retired, and life members. Enjoy full voting rights and receive newsletters, informational emails, and mailings.

Active ESP: Tailored for NEA members, staff, retired, and life members who are education support professionals. Benefit from full voting rights and receive newsletters, informational emails, and mailings.

Associate: Ideal for NEA members who want to show their support for the caucus. While there are no voting rights, associates receive newsletters, informational emails, and mailings.

Student/Retired: Designed for NEA Aspiring Educator members or retired educators. Enjoy full voting rights and stay updated with newsletters, informational emails, and mailings.

Active/Married/Domestic Partner/Civil Union: Specifically for NEA members, staff, retired, and life members residing at the same address. Full voting rights are granted to NEA members only, and one household receives newsletters, informational emails, and mailings.

Foundation Levels (various):  This gives members all the benefits of Active membership while also providing more monetary support/donations for the work being done by the caucus.

Moreover, we have an exciting offer for those who renew their membership through July 2025. Your early renewal not only ensures continuous support but also demonstrates your dedication to our cause for the year to come.

Together, we can create a more inclusive and affirming educational environment for LGBTQ+ individuals and communities. Your membership renewal is not just a formality; it's a powerful statement of solidarity and commitment to equality.

Renew your membership today and stand with us as we strive for progress and representation within the NEA and the broader educational landscape.

Thank you for your ongoing support and dedication.

From the Desk of the Secretary

Sonia Martin-Solis [CA]
Happy 2024-2025 School Opening!

At this point in the year, I am certain we have all gone back to start their school year. I hope you are all looking forward to a year filled with teaching, learning, advocacy, and inclusivity.

I want to take a moment to thank our members who participated in our Summer Book Club. Having the ability to share this amazing memoir. The emotional rollercoaster this retelling put us through was unexpected. If you have not had an opportunity, consider reading A Place for Us: A Memoir by Brandon Wolf. It was a great read and we were privileged enough to have the author join us on the last day of our Summer Book Club.

Looking Forward

Keep your eyes open for opportunities to join us for our General Membership meetings throughout the year. The first of these opportunities for engagement may come with the NEA Campaigns and Elections. We are asking our membership to help Get Out the Vote. We would love to have the opportunity to come together as a community to help work with the Harris-Walz campaign to bring out our members to show just how strong an educated voting block we are, and the difference we can make in a campaign.

In Unity & Pride,
Secretary, NEA LGBTQ+ Caucus

Outreach Director

Sarah “Mili” Milianta-Laffin [HI]

Aloha Y’all...I’m Sarah “Mili” Milianta-Laffin and I’m proud to be your NEA LGBTQ+ Caucus Outreach Director. I’d like to wish our caucus family a very Happy Back-to-School! Here are some great B2S resources from GLSEN to start your year off right.

We know that data is an important part of our work as educators. GLSEN needs data on student experiences in every state to help design and advocate for pro-LGBTQ+ policies. In order to be part of GLSEN’s National School Climate Survey, 100 students in your state, who identify as LGBTQ+ ages 13+ need to take the survey. Learn more here, and share this survey with local organizations who might be able to help.

It was lovely to connect with so many of you at our (brief) NEA Representative Assembly this past July in Philadelphia. I know it wasn’t the experience that many of us wanted, but I know that this means we’ll commit to an even better RA 2025. In fact, your Caucus Steering Committee is already working to make that happen.

We never get enough time together, but this year, we hope to see many of you at our April 2025 Conference in Vegas. Please sign up, and encourage others to attend. Be brave, ask your locals to support your attendance. If you’d like ideas on how to make that happen, please reach out to me and I’d be happy to connect with you.

Last year, I shared the “It Gets Better” grant in this newsletter and on our caucus social media. They give a GSA Club (Gender Sexualities Alliance, formerly “Gay Straight Alliance”) in every state $10,000 to help show queer youth that it truly does get better as you grow up. I was lucky enough that my club at my middle school won for “Hawaii” and we know that other caucus members won the grant as well. We’d love to showcase your win, please let us know if you’re on the list.

As part of the “It Gets Better” training with the grant, they’ve asked that we focus more on the victories in the LGBTQ+ communities and on aspects of queer joy, to embody the concept of “it getting better” for our youth. One way that I enjoyed doing that this summer was celebrating queer athletes at the 2024 Paris Olympics. Did you watch?

In terms of celebrating victories, nationally, a record number of LGBTQ+ people are running for office. If you’re like me and you’re experiencing some election anxiety, here are some LGBTQ+ candidates that you may want to learn more about this season, from the LGBTQ Equality PAC and the LGBTQ+ Victory Fund. As always, I’m still urging our members to use the NEA Ed Activist app. This app is a one-stop-shop of ways that you can help public education causes.

We had a political victory recently in Hawaii, where Kim Coco Iwamoto - the first trans person in the country to serve in elected office (State Board of Ed 2006) - won her primary against the Hawaii Speaker of the House. It made national news.

If you’re celebrating pro-education and pro-LGBT issues candidates winning local elections, please let the caucus know. We’re always looking for speakers and future programming to bring to our members.

Now, I know some of you reading this today are like, “Mili, you don’t know what it’s like in MY state.” As someone who was raised in Indiana, and taught in Texas for over a decade, trust me, I do. I’ll leave you with this today. Always remember, you can’t ban queer joy.

All The Best,
Outreach Director, NEA LGBTQ+ Caucus


Tony Martinet [VA] & Kirsten Frazier [MA]

Another school year has started, and we hope it started well for all of you. This year we welcome Kirsten Frazier as our new Female/Non-Binary Co-Director and Tony Martinet is returning as your Male/Non-Binary Co-Director. Our goal this year: increase connections with as many of our zone members as possible.

Here are 4 ways to connect right now:
  1. Zone Meet and Greet - October 2 from 7:00 - 8:00 pm Save the date now for our first Zone 1 Meet and Greet. The Zoom link will be emailed out shortly to all Zone 1 members and posted to our Zone Facebook page.
  2. Zone 1 Beginning of Year Member Survey
    1. Complete this short survey via Google Forms to let us know who you are and to share some initial thoughts and ideas. The more we know, the better we can support you.
  3. Zone 1 Facebook Page
    1. If you’re on Facebook, please join the Zone 1 Group. We hope to expand to other social media platforms, but for right now Facebook is the easiest for us to manage.
  4. Zone 1 Email
    1. You can send communication to us directly via our Zone 1 email. We appreciate hearing from our zone members. zone1@nea-lgbtqc.org
Let’s meet your Zone 1 Co-Directors

Dr. Tony Martinet (He/Him/His) is a high school English Teacher in Prince George’s County, MD. This will be his 5th year in Prince George’s, and his 18th year in K-12 education. Currently, he serves on the MSEA Board of Directors, and the PGCEA Leadership and Professional Development co-chair. Tony’s strong union passion is to be able to help and support members to find success in advocating for education and students. He is honored to be able to serve as a Zone 1 Co-Director to support caucus members in their advocacy and growth. On the personal side, Tony celebrated his 1 year anniversary with his husband Elic this past summer. They live in Arlington, VA, and spend time traveling back to their house in North Carolina, Elic’s home state. They have a total of 5 cats with 3 living full-time in NC, and two black cats, Ryder and Colby, that travel back and forth with them.

Kirsten Frazier (they/she) is a high school teacher in Worcester, MA, where they teach English as a New Language and serve as North High School’s GSA Advisor. They have been in K-12 education for 15 years, and this is their 3rd year in Worcester. They serve on a variety of committees for the Educational Association of Worcester and are an Executive Committee member for the Massachusetts Teachers Association. They also are an appointed member of the Massachusetts Coalition for LGBTQ+ Youth, a member of PRIDE Worcester’s steering committee, and the NEA’s Multilingual and BAT Caucuses. Kirsten’s passions are organizing and advocating for marginalized communities at all levels and they are particularly focused on creating brave and positive places for students to learn and explore. They are honored to serve as a new Zone 1 Co-Director and support all caucus members in whatever way possible. On a personal note, they have recently moved into Worcester with their cat, Marshmallow, and are still figuring out where to put everything! They've discovered that, while you can never have too many books, you can have problems with having enough space for them. Creativity and patience will save the day!

Kirsten & Tony


Darell Crawford [TN] & Kristel Behrend [NC]

As election season heats up, it's important to remember the power of early voting and the impact it can have on our communities, especially in regards to education and the LGBTQ community. With so much at stake in this upcoming election, it's crucial that we all exercise our right to vote and make our voices heard.

Early voting provides an opportunity for individuals to cast their ballots before Election Day, making it easier for those with busy schedules or limited access to polling places to participate in the democratic process. By taking advantage of early voting, we can ensure that our voices are heard and our votes are counted.

n the southern states, education has long been a key issue, with disparities in funding and resources often falling along racial and socioeconomic lines. In supporting candidates who prioritize education, we can help address these inequalities and ensure that all students have access to quality schools and opportunities for success. This election will have a direct impact on students and teachers across the country. From pre-K programs to college affordability, the decisions made by elected officials will have a lasting impact on the future of education in the southern states. By voting early and prioritizing pro public education candidates, we can help ensure that all students have access to quality schools and resources they need to succeed.

In addition to education, the LGBTQ community is facing unprecedented attacks on their rights and protections. From discriminatory laws to rollbacks of protections for transgender individuals, it's clear that the upcoming election will have a significant impact on the LGBTQ community. Historically, the southern states have been at the forefront of the fight for civil rights and equality, and they continue to be the battleground of our LGBTQ+ communities. By voting early and supporting candidates who stand up for LGBTQ rights, we can help protect the rights and dignity of all individuals, regardless of their sexual orientation or gender identity.

As we approach election day, the power of early voting and voting cannot be overstated in the southern states. By casting our ballots early and supporting candidates who prioritize education and LGBTQ rights, we can work towards a more just and equitable society for all.

Let's honor the legacy of those who fought for civil rights in the south and continue the work of building a more inclusive and equitable future for all.

Zone 2 we are urging you to use your voice and get out there and VOTE!

Also please start having conversations with your Representatives and Senators around LGBTQ and Pro-Public Education topics as the legislative seasons are upon us.

For all of your voting resources please click below:

Zone 2 we are still looking for State Contacts to stay up to date with what is going on in individual states. If you would like to be a state contact please email zone2@nea-lgbtqc.org!

Kristel & Darell


Frank Burger [MI] & Stacy Schmidt [IA]

I’m Stacy Schmidt, an Instructional Coach, Mentor Teacher, and GSA advisor at Lincoln High School in Des Moines, Iowa. This will be my 21st year in education, seventh in Des Moines Public Schools. I’m an out pansexual and genderfluid person who uses she/they pronouns. Currently, I am serving as Des Moines Education Association’s Membership Chair, DMEA High School Executive Board representative, and lead building representative for Lincoln High School (Go Rails!). Additionally, I am the chairperson for the Iowa State Education Association’s SOGI Committee.

My name is Frank Burger and I’m from Grand Blanc, Michigan. This is the beginning of my 28th year of teaching in the Carman-Ainsworth School District, in Flint Township, MI, where I have taken on a new position this year as the Secondary Educator Support Coach working with all new and non-tenured educators in the middle school and high school. At the high school, I also serve as the Co-Advisor for the Gender and Sexuality Alliance. I am also the President of the Carman-Ainsworth Education Association and have been a past MEA Executive Committee Member and Board Member and NEA Board Member.

In August, Frank had the opportunity to attend the Democratic National Convention in Chicago, IL. This year’s convention was so historic in terms of LGBTQ+ Representation. It was reported that there were over 800 LGBTQ+ Delegates attending the DNC this year. Over the past four conventions the numbers of LGBTQ+ delegates have continued to rise. Wednesday night of the convention was a pink out for LGBTQ+ and allies to show their support for LGBTQ+ equality. Below are photos of Frank with NEA Executive Committee Member Ronald “Duff” Martin and Chastain Buttigieg.

As members of the LGBTQ+ Community, we know what is at stake this year. Project 2025 is no friend of ours and it is important that all of us are involved in this election in some way or another. We would like to encourage you to get involved with this election, from phone banking, going door to door, or using your social media to encourage people to vote and protect our rights and the gains that we have made over the past several years. We would also like to encourage all Zone members to attend our first Rainbow series on September 19 to learn more about how to get involved with the election this year from the Out For Harris group.

If you are willing to work with us and share personal videos about the importance of this year’s election on our Facebook page, please reach out to us at zone3@nea-lgbtqc.org.

Stacy & Frank


Joe Bento [WA] & Elise Sotello [CA]

Hey everyone! Spring is here! I want to express my deep appreciation for your ongoing support. I’m Joe Bento, a teacher and IB Career Program Coordinator from Kent, Washington. Additionally, I proudly serve as the Co-Director of the NEA LGBTQ+ Caucus for Zone 4, alongside my amazing colleague Elise from California.

Not only do I serve on the steering committee of the NEA LGBTQ+ Caucus, I am also the Co-Chair of the WEA LGBTQ Caucus (www.wea-lgbtq.org)

Let’s Talk about Queer Books!

For those of you who don’t know, I was formerly a School Board member for the district I live in. The district tried to ban LGBTQ+ books. In the end, the books didn’t end up being banned—thank goodness I was there! But since then, as I’ve heard about book bans and censorship of LGBTQ+ books, I’ve become even more committed to reading LGBTQ+ books—especially Young Adult (YA) books. I always have a book either on my Libby app, a digital book on my Kindle app, or a physical copy of a queer book in my school bag. I want to be able to make book recommendations for students, so I consume a lot of books.

My GSA, last year, was a recipient of a grant, and one of the things my students did was purchase queer books for my classroom library and school library.

There are many resources out there to bring more queer books into your schools! GLSEN has a Rainbow Library program. https://www.rainbowlibrary.org/about-us/ You can request books there. Unfortunately, they don’t publish their book lists—I wish they did, so we could tell you about the books you can purchase for your own libraries!

In Washington State, WEA also provides book grants for rural schools to get more LGBTQ+ books in libraries where the need is the greatest. This mini-grant usually comes out in the spring (for Washington State educators only!).

There are so many resources out there—I hope this helps you think about how all students can be represented in our schools when it comes to books.

(Note: Please follow school and district policies when selecting books for libraries and supplemental curriculum. Make sure you check with school or district decision-makers before purchasing any material. Check with your local union if you have any questions or concerns.)

Are you allowed to sell memberships to our Caucus at your State RA? If you are interested in doing so, please reach out, and we’ll let you know how you can help! Elise and I are happy to travel to your State’s RAs (in Zone 4)! Does your State hold an annual LGBTQ+ Conference for Educators? If so, what does it look like? Does your State or Local Association host it? Or does another community partner put on the Conference? Let us know! We are curious about what the different states do when it comes to a statewide LGBTQ+ Educator Conference.

Feel free to reach out to me via email if you have any questions, comments, or concerns—I am here to support you. As the Zone 4 Co-Chair, I’m also interested in connecting with State LGBTQ+ Caucus leaders. Let’s discuss what’s happening in each of our states within Zone 4. Our goal is to expand our caucus’s membership in our zone, so please don’t hesitate to get in touch and let me know how I can assist in growing your state’s membership.

I hope you have a great year!! - Joe

Hi, Everyone!

Welcome back to another school year, and I hope it’s our best yet. My name is Elise Sotello, and I am the female/non-binary Co-Director for Zone 4! This is my 25th year as a high school English teacher in Bakersfield, California.

I want to thank you for allowing me to represent the Western United States on the NEA LGBTQ+ Caucus Steering Committee along with my Co-Director, Joe Bento. I recently termed out as California Teachers Association (CTA) Human Rights Cadre Trainer and Co-Chair of the CTA Sexual Orientation & Gender Identity Issues Advisory Committee, but I am still the LGBTQ+ Advocacy Coordinator for the CTA Sierra Service Center Council and a CTA State Council delegate and Civil Rights in Education committee member.

I live and teach in a very conservative pocket of California, so I know well some of the struggles those in less progressive areas are facing. I’d love to hear from other Zone 4 folx how things are going in your area – the good and the bad. I’m here to support you.

One more thing, I hope you VOTE in this upcoming election and are doing your part to keep democracy alive in our nation. XO - Elise