
Questions about your membership or renewal? or text +17143912029

Membership Levels:

The NEA-LGBTQ+ Caucus has 5 different levels of membership.

• Active: NEA members, staff, retired and life. Full voting rights. Receive newsletters, informational emails, and mailings.

• Active ESP: NEA members, staff, retired and life. Full voting rights. Receive newsletters, informational emails, and mailings.

• Associate: Caucus supporter, NEA Member. No voting rights. Receive newsletters, informational emails, and mailings.

• Student/Retired: NEA student member or retired. Full voting rights. Receive newsletters, informational emails, and mailings.

• Active/Married/Domestic Partner/Civil Union: NEA members, staff, retired and life – residing at same address. Full voting rights for NEA members ONLY. Receive newsletters, informational emails, and mailings – one per household.

Five states (California, Michigan, Virginia, and Washington) participate in our Joint Individual/State Affiliate Membership program. Join both your State's LGBTQ+ Caucus AND the NEA-LGBTQ+ Caucus with just one click.

In addition to membership levels, the NEA-LGBTQ+ Caucus has foundation level memberships. Each membership includes all the benefits of an Active membership, plus more.

• Pink Triangle: Includes individual active membership, recognition in the Caucus newsletters and in the annual Robert Birle Memorial Dinner Program. Includes State affiliate membership.

• Labyrinth: Includes individual active membership, recognition in Caucus newsletters and in the annual Robert Birle Memorial Dinner Program and a business card sized ad in two caucus newsletters. Includes State affiliate membership.

• Rainbow: Includes individual active membership, recognition in Caucus newsletters and in the annual Robert Birle Memorial Dinner Program, and a business card sized ad in all four caucus newsletters. Includes State affiliate membership.

• Ichabod Crane: Includes individual active membership, recognition in Caucus newsletters and in the annual Robert Birle Memorial Dinner Program, and a business card sized ad in all four caucus newsletters and 2 tickets to this year's Annual dinner. Includes State affiliate membership.