
Article II - Membership

Section 1. Membership & Voting Rights

  • A. Active membership shall be open to all persons who are active members of the NEA, employees of NEA and its state and local affiliates, or life members of the NEA. Active membership has full voting rights.

  • B. Aspiring educator membership shall be open to all Aspiring educator NEA members. Aspiring educator membership has full voting rights.

  • C. Retired membership shall be open to all NEA-retired members. Retired membership has full voting rights.

  • D. Associate membership shall be open to all persons who support the goals of the Caucus. Associate membership does not have voting rights.

Section 2.

  • A. Membership shall become effective upon payment of dues and membership year runs from July 1 through June 30.

  • B. Membership must be purchased prior to the end of RA business on the day before Caucus elections in order to vote in the current election.