
Article VIII - Steering Committee

Section 1. The Steering Committee shall be composed of the Officers, the Zonal Directors, Outreach Director, Expo Booth, Communications Director, and other appointed Directors.

Section 2. Any NEA-LGBTQ+ member who has voting rights may run for a Steering Committee position. If the person is seeking an officer position, then that person needs to have been a member of the Caucus for at least one year.

Section 3. The Steering Committee shall act as the governing board of the Caucus. In addition, the Steering Committee shall recommend an annual budget and revision of Bylaws, as needed.

Section 4. The Steering Committee shall meet at least once between NEA Representative Assemblies.

Section 5. The Steering Committee shall act as the host committee for the annual Robert Birle Memorial Dinner, held at the NEA Representative Assembly.

Section 6. The Steering Committee shall act as the host committee for the Caucus Issues Conference.